conjugate adj. 成对的;结合的;【语法】同源[根]的;【数、物、化】共轭的,缀合的;【生物学】配合的;【植物;植物学】对生的。 conjugate angles 共轭角。 a conjugate point 共轭点。 vt. 1.使结合,使配合。 2.【语法】列举(动词)变化,变位。 vi. 1.结合;(动物)交尾;【生物学】配合。 2.【语法】(动词)变化。 conjugated protein 【化学】拼合蛋白。
The fundament of flat terrain phase effect and its removal are stated . the interferogram consists , for each pixel , of the complex conjugate product of two sas images directly , which ca n ' t reflect the actual terrain change . the general phase trend in range can be considered as the phase generated by an ideally flat terrain and is often subtracted from the interferogram before further processing 论述了水平地形效应产生原理及其消除方法,由于水平地形效应的存在使得两幅sas复图像直接复共轭相乘得到的相位图不能直观地反映出实际地形的拓扑变化,所以在对干涉相位图进行滤波及相位展开处理前应当消除干涉相位图像的水平地形效应。
Wl detection technique , a new technique arising from modern signal processing area , is embedded with both advantages . it is a joint detection scheme utilizing received signals and their corresponding complex conjugate ones , which brings significant performance gain . this paper discusses the possibility of applying this technique to detect mimo signals 考虑到在现代信号处理领域出现的宽线性检测技术兼蓄二者的优点,通过对接收信号本身及其复共轭信号进行联合检测,就可以带来额外的性能增益,本文较为深入的探讨了mimo信号检测中采用宽线性检测技术的可行性。
either of two complex numbers whose real parts are identical and whose imaginary parts differ only in sign
In mathematics, complex conjugates are a pair of complex numbers, both having the same real part, but with imaginary parts of equal magnitude and opposite signs. For example, 3 + 4i and 3 ? 4i are complex conjugates.